Christmas time is time for relax and having a good time. Amusement together with your family and friends.
Earlier in December, I found a blog post on about a popular toy from Denmark: Lego. Jacob Sparre has made some fine Danish manuals and he has revealed some of his own models.
Normally you buy a box of Lego and hen follow the instructions, page by page. My own kids are getting a little too old (13 and 15 years) for Lego, but when I introduced them to this concept, they actually returned to what they were about five years ago: Amused by Lego again.
I think most people has experienced the feeling of opening a box of Lego and taking the challenge of building something beautiful or very complicated.
Imagine that you have all the Lego that has ever existed and in all colors in the World. You will never 'mis' that last piece or end up with the wrong color. You have everything, right by your right finger.
OK, this computer program doesn't replace the feeling of building your own model out of those red and blue bricks from Lego, but it can give you the feeling of creating something new.
The program is called LDRAW and it's open source. You can build all the models that you can imagine - and for no charge at all.
How about this model of The Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb by Matija Puzar

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