I have tried to get an overview of how the voting in ISO/IEC works. I'm ot sure about all the details, so if you have aditional information, please leave me a comment.
O-member: Observing member.
P-member: Participating member.
L-member: Liaison member.
This is how it works:
First all P-members are counted, and if there are more than 1/3 of NO votes among the sum of YES+NO votes, the proposal is rejected. There is about 30-35 P-members.
If the P-members can't reject the proposal, there is a second count with all the O-members and P-members. In this count, there must be 1/4 of the total voting countries (about 104) to get the proposal rejected.
So O-members are also very important if it comes to a second vote.
Note that this way, the ABSTAIN votes actually counts in somehow. This is because these votes is *not* counted in the total sum of YES+NO, so an abstaining country is encreasing the chance of getting enough NO-votes. It's possible to Abstain with comments, but I don't see how the comments can come into the game. Comments to an Abstain-vote will only have domestic value.
The entire list of voting members consist of the following 104:
Algeria (IANOR)
Argentina (IRAM)
Armenia (SARM)
Australia (SA)
Austria (ON)
Azerbaijan (AZSTAND)
Bahrain (BSMD)
Bangladesh (BSTI)
Barbados (BNSI)
Belarus (BELST)
Belgium (NBN)
Bosnia and Herzegovina (BAS)
Botswana (BOBS)
Brazil (ABNT)
Bulgaria (BDS)
Canada (SCC)
Chile (INN)
China (SAC)
Colombia (ICONTEC)
Congo, The Democratic Republic of (OCC)
Costa Rica (INTECO)
Croatia (HZN)
Cuba (NC)
Cyprus (CYS)
Czech Republic (CNI)
Côte-d'Ivoire (CODINORM)
Denmark (DS)
Ecuador (INEN)
Egypt (EOS)
Ethiopia (QSAE)
Finland (SFS)
France (AFNOR)
Germany (DIN)
Ghana (GSB)
Greece (ELOT)
Hungary (MSZT)
Iceland (IST)
India (BIS)
Indonesia (BSN)
Iran, Islamic Republic of (ISIRI)
Iraq (COSQC)
Ireland (NSAI)
Israel (SII)
Italy (UNI)
Jamaica (JBS)
Japan (JISC)
Jordan (JISM)
Kazakhstan (KAZMEMST)
Kenya (KEBS)
Korea, Democratic People's Republic (CSK)
Korea, Republic of (KATS)
Kuwait (KOWSMD)
Lebanon (LIBNOR)
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (LNCSM)
Luxembourg (SEE)
Malaysia (DSM)
Malta (MSA)
Mauritius (MSB)
Mexico (DGN)
Mongolia (MASM)
Morocco (SNIMA)
Netherlands (NEN)
New Zealand (SNZ)
Nigeria (SON)
Norway (SN)
Oman (DGSM)
Pakistan (PSQCA)
Panama (COPANIT)
Philippines (BPS)
Poland (PKN)
Portugal (IPQ)
Qatar (QS)
Romania (ASRO)
Russian Federation (GOST R)
Saint Lucia (SLBS)
Saudi Arabia (SASO)
Serbia (ISS)
Singapore (SPRING SG)
Slovakia (SUTN)
Slovenia (SIST)
South Africa (SABS)
Spain (AENOR)
Sri Lanka (SLSI)
Sudan (SSMO)
Sweden (SIS)
Switzerland (SNV)
Syrian Arab Republic (SASMO)
Tanzania, United Republic of (TBS)
Thailand (TISI)
The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (ISRM)
Trinidad and Tobago (TTBS)
Tunisia (INNORPI)
Turkey (TSE)
Ukraine (DSSU)
United Arab Emirates (ESMA)
United Kingdom (BSI)
Uruguay (UNIT)
Uzbekistan (UZSTANDARD)
Venezuela (FONDONORMA)
Viet Nam (TCVN)
Zimbabwe (SAZ)
15 July 2007
Votes at ISO/IEC
Indsendt af
Leif Lodahl
Etiketter: ISO, OOXML, Open Standards
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